Our Plan

We are designing a playground for children diagnosed wth Down Syndrome. We hope that the children will enjoy our design. By: Wen Jun(Leader), Choon Wang(Design I/C), Brian(Secretary), Hua Yeow(Researcher), Chris(Building I/C), Yun Kit(Presenter)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Chris's letter for Mr Mah

Pasir Ris Secondary School

390 Tampines Street 21

July 21, 2008

To minister Mah bow Tan Minister of National Development,
Member of Tampines GRC.

Proposal of playground building

Dear Mr Mah,

I would like to first complement about your designs of the playgrounds in the Tampines area as the designs are really nice and it is pretty and colourful thus attracting many children to go there and have fun there.

However, there are some problems that need to be looked into. Our group of playground designers have comfirmed that the playgrounds in the tampines are is not safe for children born with Down Syndrome, as many of them were borned with weak hearts, hearing problems, eye problems, skeletal problems and skin disorders.that is why even a fall fall which is no harm to a normal child may cause serious harm to children borned with Down Syndrome.

Our group of designers and I thus have specially designed a playground for the children with special needs. An example would be that instead of using stairs we changed it into ramps, for the handle bars we added a rough layer of grip onto it, so that in case the children’s hands are wet or it is wet with rain, the child will not slip and fall. At the bottom of the slide there will also be foam covering to cushion the children when they slide down, gaps will be minimised to ensure that the children will not slip through the gap and fall right through it.

Thank you for taking the time to look through this letter, we hope that you will take some of this ideas into consideration as this cater to the needs of children borned with Down Syndrome, thank you for looking into this matter once again.

Yours truly,
Chris Ng,
Pasir Ris Secondary School

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Choon Wang's letter

Pasir Ris Secondary School

390 Tampines Street 21
Singapore 529400

21 July 2008

To Minister Mah Bow Tan
Feedbacks and Suggestion for Playgrounds in Tampines

We are writing this proposal to you to propose to you about our specially designed playground that we have came up with.

Tampines neighbourhood has many attractive and colourful playgrounds. Many children from different ages often gather in all these playgrounds to play and hang out. However, there are some things which are missing amongst all these playgrounds, which are special functions to cater to the needs of mentally disabled children.

We have done researches on children with Down Syndrome. Amongst them, some have weak hearts, hearing problems, eye problems, skeletal problems and skin disorders.

For children with a weak heart, our playground has few steps so it decreases the need of much movement. For hearing problems, our special playground has light flashes at the openings to guide the children. For eye problems, we have installed fixed and hidden music boxes so that children who are inside the playground can navigate their way out of the playground when there’s a need. For skeletal problems, we have soft foam/rubber coverings that cover hard textures and edges so that they do not hurt themselves if they fall. For those who have skin disorders, we make sure we have many roof and shelters covering the playground and its areas so that even when it is raining, children can still play and enjoy themselves there.

All these special functions cater to the needs of Down Syndrome children. We hope that you take this ideas and suggestions into consideration. Thank you for taking your precious time to read this letter.

Yours truly,
Loh Choon Wang,
Pasir Ris Secondary School

Tan Hua Yeow's Letter

Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines Street 21
Singapore 529400

21st July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan,
Minister of National Development,
Member of Tampines GRC.

Dear Minister Mah,

Feedback and suggestions to improve the playgrounds in Tampines

The playgrounds in Tampines are fun and amusing for children. After many years, your playgrounds have become more and more fun and safe. For example, in the past the playground floor was made of concrete, causing several injuries. Now you changed the flooring into some soft carpeting. My compliments to the designers and also personal thanks to them for inspiring me to be a designer too.

However, there are some matters that need to look into. Recently I have done some research on Down syndrome. Many factors led me to believe that your playground is not good for children with special needs. For instance, children with Down syndrome have lung problems or weak muscles.

My group of designers and I have specially designed a playground for the children with special needs. An example would be that instead of using stairs we changed it into ramps. Also for the handle bars we added a rough layer of grip onto it, so that in case the children’s hands are wet, their grip won’t be lost. At the bottom of the slide there will also be some soft material to cushion the children when they slide down.

I hope you would consider my ideas. If you prefer, I could send some photos of our designs. Hope you reply to us soon, and thank you for spending some time to read the contents of the letter.

Yours Truly,
Tan Hua Yeow,
Pasir Ris Secondary School.

Letter for Mr Mah (By Brian)

Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines Street 21
Singapore 529400

21 July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
The Minister of National Development
Minister of Tampines GRC

Dear Minister Mah

Feedback and suggestions to improve the playground in Tampines

The playgrounds in Tampines are quite beautiful and creative. However, some of them are quite worn-out and are dangerous; some children might get hurt if they are not careful. I feel that there are still some rooms for improvement to provide a safer and more attractive playground for children with Down’s syndrome after some researching.

The Down’s syndrome children mostly have skeletal problems and are prone to diseases easily. We have think of ways to design a suitable playground for them.

Actually, there are quite a few ways for improving the playgrounds for Down’s syndrome children. Firstly, the playgrounds should be more colourful and attractive in a way to them. One example is to have cartoons characters painted on it. This might motivate them to play in spite of their disability. Secondly, it should be safer. For example, there should not be any sharp edges should they not know the danger and hurt themselves. Also, there must not be any gaps or holes fro them to trip and fall. Hard cushions can also be wrapped around the frames of the playground to decrease their injuries if they hit themselves. The monkey bars should not be too high and the slides should not be too steep.

Our group’s playground model has been designed to suit the Down’s syndrome children. There are safety precautions taken and carefully built to decrease any injuries. Next, the slides have just the right gradient for them to slide down slowly and also not roll down if they are too steep. The swings are designed to swing the right way for them, they are very easy to climb up and it swings just the right distance in case they fall forward or backward. Lastly, the playgrounds should be cleaned regularly to practice good hygiene.

These are my suggestions and feedbacks, I greatly appreciate that you take your busy time to read this letter and I hope that you could have my suggestions in mind.

Yours truly
Brian Chong Kah Joon

letter for Mr Mah (Wen Jun)

Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines Street 21
Singapore 529400

21 July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
The Minister of National Development,
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Minister Mah

Feedback and suggestions to improve the playgrounds in Tampines

The playgrounds in Tampines are very creative and colorful, perfect for attracting small children. However, I think there is still room for improvement. The playgrounds are quite unhygienic, and after I had done research for my project, I found out that almost all the playgrounds in Tampines cannot be played by disabled children.

For my project, I had done research on Down syndrome, and found out that people with this chromosomal disorder have a lower than average cognitive ability, often ranging from mild to moderate learning disabilities. It might also cause the person with this disorder to have hearing problems, heart disease, Intestinal abnormalities, and eye problems. They also need to have a balanced diet, with a balanced amount of nutrients for their body. They are very prone to diseases, and get sick easily. They also have skeletal problems, not allowing them to stand straight.

I think we should have my playground (designed for children with Down syndrome) built in Tampines, so that the children in Tampines can enjoy it regardless of disability. My playground is made with materials which are soft, to ensure the safety of the children. Our playground has very little flight of stairs, as children with Down syndrome should not climb stairs because of heart disease. Railings will also be made to allow them to cling on as they have skeletal problems. Our playground will also have paintings of cartoon characters or fairy tale characters to attract their attention.

Playgrounds in Tampines are very dusty, and not suitable for disabled people to play them. I suggest that the playgrounds in Tampines to be safer, and can be played by children with or without Down syndrome. We can also build more playgrounds in Tampines for the children. It will be happy sight to see the various children (disabled or not) to have a fun time playing in the play ground. We should think of people whom are disabled, and not just the normal children.

Yours Truly

Heng Wen Jun
Pasir Ris Secondary School

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Some designs that we take after

We chose this playground skeleton because it is ideal:
-the spacing is good
-not much steps to take
-not easy to fall
We chose this swing because it is safe:
-it is tightly secured
-it has a buckled-like seat
-not likely to fall

Happy Tree Friends song