We are designing a playground for children diagnosed wth Down Syndrome. We hope that the children will enjoy our design. By: Wen Jun(Leader), Choon Wang(Design I/C), Brian(Secretary), Hua Yeow(Researcher), Chris(Building I/C), Yun Kit(Presenter)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Describe the Playground

We want to make a playground that is safe for children with down syndrome to play. We make sure it is safe.

Safety Guidelines
The mot important factor in evaluating the safety of any playground are the surface, design and spacing, and equipment inspection and maintainance.
A proper playgroud surface is one of the most important factors in reducing injuries. Since we are making a playground for children with Down Syndrome, it is important that we make it extra safe so as to minimise any injuries. The material used to make the surface should be soft, for example rubber mats. This is to ensure that if anyone falls, they will not be injured that easily.
Here are some things to consider:

Wrap rubber materials over railings and handles so that if the chidren accidentally knock against them they will not suffer major injuries. Designs must be smooth surfaced and the gripping must be good so as to minimise slippings and fallings. The floorings must be moderately smooth. If it is too smooth, the children might fall easily. However, if it is too rough, they might get scratched easily.