We are designing a playground for children diagnosed wth Down Syndrome. We hope that the children will enjoy our design. By: Wen Jun(Leader), Choon Wang(Design I/C), Brian(Secretary), Hua Yeow(Researcher), Chris(Building I/C), Yun Kit(Presenter)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Chris ng's template

Name: Chris Ng ( 21)

Class: 2E4

Fill in the following and use the content/research/findings in your final group proposal for your Playground Project Blog.

Individual Reflections for Literature Mid-Year Project 2008
Sec 2 Express

Eco-friendly features about my group’s 3D-model
My Group members suggested to use flowers
Remarks(e.g. materials to be used, relevant research with links, photograph links etc) We use plastacine as it is easy to mould into shape.
We search for some pictures on yahoo and google to give us some ideas.

Playground designs/concepts that are linked to the novel We are building an imaginary fort jus like in the novel.

Explanation of how the designs/concepts are linked to the novel
We found that a playground that has a fort is new and not found in many playgrounds.

Playground designs/concepts that meet the special needs of the children
Explanation of how the designs meet the special needs of the children

Concave tunnels. Magnify child’s shout’s.
A coating of rubber around most objects. Minimizing injuries.
Least number of steps possible. Reduce stress on heart.

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